eNETEmployer Has a New Look!
September 16th, 2016
Get ready for a new look-and-feel for our eNETEmployer program! Our development team has put the finishing touches on an exciting new interface.
The new version provides all of the original functionality that you've come to expect from eNETEmployer. But you will also have a number of new features to make your payroll tasks even easier.
Program Enhancements:
- New web components - We have implemented brand new web components that offer improved display of all visual elements and provide more precise table control.
- Accelerated Mode - If you have a slower computer or use an older website browser, you can use Accelerated Mode to speed up your program performance. This new feature can be found in the Options menu.
- Payroll Dashboard - All program services now provide a Dashboard that offers useful payroll calculation and status information at a glance. The Dashboard command is available under the User menu on every program tab.
- Search All Fields - Use this feature to perform a text-based search through all of the rows on the current page. Find rows quickly even if they are not visible. Just start typing and the rows will appear. This new feature is located just below the Button Bar on each program page.
- More Screen Room - We have adjusted the table controls and row display to provide you with more room on the screen for your payroll data and information.
- Fixed Column Editing - You can now use the Customize Views feature to show, hide or edit the location of fixed columns (see the note below for additional information on this new feature).
- New Design Themes - Choose from a list of program design themes that you can apply to suit your working style and environment. Use a new theme to adjust your display for varying lighting conditions in your office, or to simply set the mood. The various themes can be found in the Options menu.
- Edit All Rows - Edit all rows easily by choosng the Edit All button that is located just below the Button Bar on each program page.
Program Changes:
- Customize Views - If you have saved a customized view for any page that had fixed columns, you will need to open the custom view and then re-add the fixed columns (they will not be displayed until you do so).For example, If you created a customized view for the Bank Accounts screen, you will need to re-add the Surname, Given Name and Employee No. columns.
- Row Display Controls - We moved the row display controls to the bottom of the table to provide more room for additional features in the section above the table.
- Import-Export Separator - You can now change the character that will be used as your separator when importing or exporting a delimited text file (e.g. comma, semi-colon). The default character is a semi-colon.
- Updated Filter Controls - We have removed the Search icon that used to appear when you selected the Filter icon. The Filter icon now works as a toggle, and when it is selected, an editable field will appear at the top of each column so that you can enter the text that will be used to filter the row display.
- Popup Calendar Labels - We changed the label from "Today" to "Current Date" in the popup calendars.
- Changed the Delete Icon - The Delete button (the Trash Can icon) has been removed from the leftmost column of each table row when you are in Edit Mode. This was done to add additional screen space when working a large number of rows. You can now delete rows using the Delete button in the Button Bar, or by using the <Del> key on your keyboard. The Trash Can icon nor appears only when you
The eNETEmployer Development Team